Saturday, February 25, 2006

Sunday, February 19, 2006

7th Sunday in Ordinary Time: "Let Forgiveness Heal You"

Web sites mentioned in this podcast:
St. Anthony's Web Site
Fr. Bill's Web Site
Vote for this Podacast at Podcast Alley

Sunday, February 12, 2006

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time: "Let God Touch Your Heart"

Web sites mentioned in this podcast:
St. Anthony's Web Site
Fr. Bill's Web Site
Vote for this Podacast at Podcast Alley

Monday, February 06, 2006

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Enhanced Version (MPEG 4): "Suffering: A Call to Holiness"

Web sites mentioned in this podcast:
St. Anthony's Web Site
Check out my new liturgical calendar, Liturical Calendar Live© at Fr. Bill's Web Site

My Odeo Channel
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Regular Podcast Version (MPEG 3):
"Suffering: A Call to Holiness"

Web sites mentioned in this podcast:
St. Anthony's Web Site
Check out my new liturgical calendar, Liturical Calendar Live© at Fr. Bill's Web Site

My Odeo Channel